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Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 10:08pm

Captain Mitsu Sato

Name Mitsu Sayuri Sato

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7''
Weight 135
Hair Color Black with Highlights
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Mitsu is a human woman of Japanese heritage. She is of average height, a slim, almost petite, build and an average complexion. Her black hair has a few natural highlights, and she usually wears it either tied back into a simple ponytail or loose around her shoulders. She keeps herself fit and in shape with physical training and has strong muscle tone throughout her body. Mitsu rarely wears a lot of make-up, preferring just enough to accent her features.


Spouse Captain Alexia Nolan (Starfleet Officer, Divorced)
Children Naomi Sato-Nolan (Daughter, Estranged)
Father Katsurou Jiro Sato
Mother Melika Rei Sato
Brother(s) Katsu Sato
Hikaru Sato
Sister(s) Miya Sato
Other Family Yuna Sato (Married to Katsu)
Miko Sato (Niece, Starfleet Officer, medical officer)
Kiku Sato (Married to Hikaru)
Asuka Sato (Niece)
Ayane Watanobe (Niece, widowed)
Akira-Ri Sato (Niece, Starfleet Officer, Security/Tactical Officer)
Takumi Sato (Nephew)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mitsu is an intelligent, passionate, ambitious and while not aggressive certainly determined individual, but at the same time she is quiet and kind. She believes that all who serve in Starfleet should uphold the morals and principles of both Starfleet and the Federation to the best of their ability. She is extremely loyal to Starfleet and to those who serve with her. She knows that there are times which doing things by the book is simply not possible, and when faced with those situations she follows her conscience and her own personal morals, ensuring that any decision she makes is one that she can live with. She has a calm, cool headed temperament and tries hard not to lose her temper, although when she is angered she will simmer and let her anger build up until she either explodes or works it out through physical exercise.
Strengths & Weaknesses Mitsu is friendly and intelligent, having a desire to learn as much as she can. She is interested in learning about different cultures and species and as a result she is very cultured and knowledgeable of other species and their different cultures. She also has a keen interest in scientific studies as well and as a result she has a wide knowledge base of scientific based topics.

While Mitsu studies martial arts, she does so as a form of exercise. She is not a military or tactical officer by training or background out of preference, although she can hold her own in a fight if she must. She prefers to attempt to use diplomacy first in every situation, falling back on the use of violent force or military technique as a last resort, and at times she does this long after diplomacy has been exhausted. She does have a temper that can quickly build up under certain circumstances although she tries to remain calm even when she is angered. In addition, she has what can only be described as commitment and borderline trust issues when it comes to personal relationships. This stems from how her marriage ended and is something that Mitsu struggles to overcome.
Ambitions To travel throughout the galaxy to explore ancient cultures and civilizations as well as meet new alien species and learn more about the universe in general.
Hobbies & Interests Mitsu loves to read, and is an avid reader. She prefers actual books and has a rather large library. Her favorite topics are anything regarding history or science. She also has a keen interest in martial arts and dance and partakes in both as a form of exercise.

Personal History Mitsu was born in Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii while her parents were vacationing there in 2350. Her father was a strict traditionalist and insisted that his family follow the oldest traditions of their Japanese culture, while her mother was more understanding and often worked to support her children’s wishes even if it meant standing up against her husband. The oldest of four children, Mitsu was always expected to follow the path her father had planned for her life, however, unlike her younger siblings she refused to allow her father to dictate her life. The more her father tried to force his will upon her, the more headstrong and stubborn she became. While her sister and brothers went along with what their father wanted, Mitsu became determined that she would set out and follow her own path in life.

From an early age, Mitsu developed a keen interest in learning, and the more she learned the more she wanted to know about not just the world she lived in but the universe itself. She became interested in science based subjects as well as history. She also took music and martial arts classes, both as ways to relax and exercise. Unfortunately, the further her path took her away from what her father expected of her, the more distant she became from him. Their disagreeing finally turned into simple animosity as she grew older and more headstrong against his will. At the age of sixteen, Mitsu finally became distantly estranged from her father in 2366 when she enrolled in an early acceptance program with Starfleet, the decision angering him to the point that he refused to even speak to her.

The final two years of her schooling became dedicated solely to Mitsu being admitted into Starfleet Academy, and towards that end she devoted herself entirely towards that goal. Her spare time outside of school became filled with studies, activities with Starfleet recruiters, and Starfleet Academy sponsored activities and events that encouraged enlistment into the Academy. Mitsu quickly became friends with a number of Starfleet recruiters and Academy professors, who, upon seeing her determination to join Starfleet, supported and encouraged her completely. Upon her graduation from high school in 2368, Mitsu was immediately accepted into Starfleet Academy. Without even a word towards her father, she packed her few belongings, bid farewell to her mother and younger siblings, and left Japan with the intention of never returning.
Service Record 2368 - 2372: Starfleet Academy, Cadet
2372 - 2374: USS Alexandria, Ens, Operations/Science Officer
2374 - 2374: USS Alexandria, LtJG, Operations/Science Officer
2374 - 2376: USS Marie Celeste, LtJG, Operations Officer
2376 - 2378: USS Marie Celeste, Lt, Operations Officer
2378 - 2381: USS Marie Celeste, Lt, Chief Operations Officer
2381 - 2385: USS Marie Celeste, LtCmdr, Chief Operations Officer
2385 - 2387: USS Marie Celeste, LtCmdr, Executive Officer
2387 - 2393: USS Intrepid, Cmdr, Executive Officer
2393 - 2395: USS Sierra, Capt, Commanding Officer
2395 - PRES: USS Eclipse, Capt, Commanding Officer