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Sat Dec 16th, 2023 @ 1:39pm

Lieutenant Commander Enzo Tanaka

Name Enzo Tanaka

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species el Arian/ HUman
Age --

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 225 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Physical Description Enzo has a kind face but is also very serious in his expressions for a man of the human age of 32. He wears his uniform finely pressed as well as his off duty clothing is often more loose fitting; his hair is cut short and well kept. His blue eyes have been called piercing as he seems to focus totally upon whom he interacts.


Spouse Mel-Chan
Children History
Father Huruku
Mother Tomi
Brother(s) Tishero (Deceased)

Edo (Deceased)
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tanaka is a serious man when it comes to his duty; he appears obsessed with his job. His one aspect is he seems to have an air of superiority at first which is his degree of self-assurance. He would die for his crew and move whatever it takes to achieve a goal. He has embraced the Bushido way of life and clings to the principals even to this day.

He will view ranks on the ship and give respect to the earned rank and is humble to his Superior Officer as is proper for the Samauri.

His down side is his dedication to honor and lack of respect of those that he deems as 'Not worthy of Honor' and will be nearly violent with one who is dishonorable by nature. Tanaka is a proper host by his nature once mutual respect is given.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyalty

+ Honorable

+ Effective at job

+ Obeys Command Chain

- Superiority Complex

- Judgemental about Honor

-everything is according to Bushido
Ambitions To maintain the Honor to his name in the Service of the Command he serves.
Hobbies & Interests Martial arts



Enjoys the last battles of The Samauri.

Archery and fletcher

Sword maker

Horseback riding


Writing poetry/ sketching.


Japanese, Federation Standard, Klingon, Orion, Romulan, Andorian, Ferengi

Personal History Enzo will not give much of his past as his home world was taken by the Borg and he was born on Earth in the Japanese calendar Year of the Tiger Tenpo 13* In the city of Kai. He was brought up in Japan and has been a centralized part of his recorded pasts. His name has been changed several times and with the opening of knowledge of the longevity of his race he took the First Surname from his Samauri roots.

His first memories are of the being raised to be a Samauri; the intense training and physical discipline. He could even recall his first battle under the Shogun. He took his sword to many a battle throughout his life. He followed the rules of Bushido despite the fall of the common practice.

He became a Samauri that would be in the safe transport of the supply lines and logistical practices. He eventually got into shipping and Logistics.

He moved to the 'Wild West' for a time as the Migration from Japan and China to the United States. HE fell in love with a woman there and found a place where he could live for a while. Tori was a woman with red hair and a fire in her belly. She accepted him and came to love him; despite the social classes in the 'Wild West' Tanaka found a place under his assumed name. So much he learned about what life is like outside the structure of Bushido, it was after the last dynasty of the Samauri. The western invasion of his beloved Japan. This he took in stride and left Japan for a time as Samauri were not so welcomed as once they were. This is where he learned the Gun; a nasty weapon to him but one that had replaced the Bow. After a decade he had mastered it and the rifle.

Having a family with Tori Tanaka found contentment for a couple of decades until the 'cosmetic' changes were not able to as easily hide the Spry nature of Tanaka. His eldest son was killed in a 'hate Crime'; not that it was called that at the time, he was seen as a threat and shot in an unfair gunfight. Tanaka hunted down and challenged the men who had killed his beloved son as a matter of honor. Each fight was fair and the Law had a price upon the men's heads. While not being a full deputy Tanaka served the law as best he could.

His two daughters were his pride as they did not seem to get the gene to age as he did; they aged slower than human but not as their father. Both died eventually near a ripe old age of one hundred.

It was in WOrld War 1 that Tanaka took pride in his Carrier service under Admiral Fugita; the Massive power of a Battleship reigning the sea. Serving on the staff he was in the Mikado when she sank, among the survivor he spent a month in a hospital after the war.

Tanaka went back to Japan where he felt the most at home. WHile touring the United States during the Crash of the Stock Market he was again glad to end his trip and be on Japanese soil. It was becoming that after the First World War those Pompous Americans had an Earth Shattreing event.

THen those Same Americans a decade later were meddling in International Affairs, Tanaka Knew that this Rosseavelt President needed a war and seem to focus upon Japanese expansion as his target. Admiral Yamamoto planned a desistating attack upon the American Fleet in Pearl Harbor. Tanaka was among the Command Staff that performed the Preparations for the attack. Tanaka being a Logistical Officer for this OPeration that had succeeded.

Yamamoto was aginst the attack, having studied in America where it was sad that Americans have a gun behind every blade of grass.the emperor ordered to and as a Samauri it was followed and executed. Afterward Yamamoto commented, 'We have woken a sleeping Giant.'

After the loss of the War Tanaka having lost his newest Bride and their unborn child in Nagasaki. Urging his wife to go to a safe place wth her family. Tanaka has not step foot in that city since.

It amazed him how a half century changed life and he returned to Japan.

He changed his name and profession for a long time as he seemed to be on a trip to find his soul, spending no less than twenty years in a given place to fully absorb the culture.

More recently he spent a decade on the Klingon Home World learning the Honor, culture and blade from those he saw as equals. He spent a part of the Dominion War on board a Klingon Bird of Prey, one of the few that saw a greater part of the war and survived.

After the war Tanaka began to visit Earth again for a few years to brush up his Bushido and quench his periodic need to be home again. Then went into the Star Fleet academy again under Operations; this time he sought to go again into the stars to defend his home world and extend the ideas that had accepted him after a very long, life span.

On the USS Triton he was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer in Security.

USS Roosevelt accepted the position of Ensign as a Security Team Lead.

USS Falcon promoted to Lt. JG as deputy STAC.

He was supposed to be a Security Man with an . Officially being logged as missing presumed dead as the maximum time for his shuttle life support is exhausted. Experimental Vessel and while en route was lost in the Delta Triangle.

As Chief of Security until the Phantom was found and decommissioned leaving Tanaka open for reassignment.

Taking his Recuperative Leave Time he went through his options to choose the USS Winchester as a Command.

After decommission chose Chief Sec/Tac on USS Eclipse

*Earth Year 1863

Service Record

On his training Cadet Flight he showed an interest in the Keeping the ship secure and helped to place 'leech’ Sensory monitors in key areas of the ship.

On the USS Triton he was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer in Security.

USS Roosevelt accepted the position of Ensign as a Security Team Lead.

USS Saratoga promoted to Lt. JG as deputy STAC.

USS Phantom: Chief Security Officer

USS Winchester: Chief Sec/ Tac Officer

USS Eclipse: Chief Securuty / Tactical