Ensign Cynthian Macpherson

Name Cynthian Avery Macpherson

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm)
Weight 168 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Cynthian Macpherson has a youthful and friendly appearance. He stands at an average height, with a lean yet athletic build. He has dark hair that he tries to keep under control, but rarely can. It is uncommon to see him without a smirk on his face. It's not one of malice, just his normal resting face. While his uniform fits well, it can sometimes get frayed at the cuff due to his nervous picking of it. Off duty, he chooses comfortable, yet fashionable clothing.


Father Leonard Macpherson
Mother Cynthia Bayim-Macpherson
Brother(s) Lucin Macpherson (younger)
Sister(s) Hal Macpherson (eldest)
Georjana Macpherson (older)
Other Family Telath (Best Friend)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cynthian Macpherson possesses an unwavering sense of optimism and a cheerful disposition. He has a natural inclination for humor and enjoys sharing jokes and lighthearted banter with those around him.

He can sometimes be perceived as overly casual, leading to moments where he may appear nonchalant or lacking in seriousness (especially in high-stress situations). This trait, while often endearing, can occasionally cause misunderstandings or lead others to question his commitment.

Cynthian, being a new graduate, sometimes borders on naivety. He may struggle to fully grasp the complexities of certain situations, particularly in matters of politics and diplomacy, and this can occasionally lead to misjudgments or misplaced trust.

Despite these flaws, Cynthian's heart is in the right place. He genuinely cares for the well-being of others and is always willing to lend a helping hand. His playful sense of humor and ability to see the brighter side of life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Cynthian's unwavering optimism is one of his greatest strengths. His cheerful outlook and ability to find humor even in challenging situations inspire hope and uplift those around him. He is highly approachable and has a natural talent for making friends. He's adept at learning and deciphering alien languages. His major in xenobiology gives him a deep understanding of alien life forms and ecosystems. Cynthian's casual and easy-going nature makes him adaptable to various situations and cultures. He can quickly establish rapport with different species and navigate unfamiliar environments.

While his casual demeanor is endearing, it can sometimes be perceived as lacking seriousness. Cynthian is also brand new to starship life and being an officer on the frontier. He is still learning the basics. Having majored in both xenolinguistics and xenobiology, Cynthian only has a basic understanding of other functions outside of his department.
Ambitions Cynthian's main drive is to seek out new life and new civilizations. To bodly go where no one has gone before. The unique and novel are his desire, and he jumps at any opportunity to encounter that himself.
Hobbies & Interests Cynthian still keeps his culinary skills sharp. He loves to cook for himself and others. Any social activity is his interest. Whether it's skiing in the holodeck, charting stars in stellar cartography, or doing karaoke, Cynthian is enthusiastic as long as there are others to do it with him.

Personal History On the border of the Romulan Neutral Zone, Cynthian was born on the planetside Starbase 565. It was on the mostly-desolate Lambda Alpha IX, which only had pockets of inhabitable tundra. His mother, Cynthia, was a Starfleet operations officer. Leonard, his father, ran a bistro in the commerce district of the base. The family, along with Cynthian's two older sisters, lived in a flat just above the Crosspoint Bistro.

Not even a whole year after his birth was the dawn of the Dominion War. His mother was assigned to the Alpha Quadrant while the rest of the Macphersons remained on LA IX. What once was an open starbase for everyone became a fortress overnight. No one was able in or out without heavy security clearance. As well, the unsteady allegiance with the Romulans was cause for a lot of concern for Starfleet. Even after the ending of the war, 565 remained heavily guarded. Cynthian's mother returned as normal. Less than a year after homecoming, a younger brother was born.

Cynthian helped his father in the bistro, but spent his time off of school and work across the street in a botany and pet shop. There, he discovered his love of biology. Ynris, the Bolian who owned the shop, would leave on adventures to discover more things for the shop. Cynthian would feed the animals and tend the plants in his absence.

He became friends with a Romulan name Telath. She and him would watch the shop together. When they were 16, Ynris (with parental consent) took the two on an outing to an asteroid that was somehow able to support a species of succulent. Their joint passion lead them both to Starfleet Academy. Telath chose the medical path while Cynthian chose science. As is its design, the Academy pushed Cynthian to a new level that he never thought he could accomplish. He didn't learn about studies, but character as well. He would get in trouble with a few teachers because of his blasé demeanor and wisecracks (and particularly so with a Vulcan instructor). However, his hardworking ability overshadowed his lack of seriousness.

He finally graduated after 6 years, being the only out of his siblings to pursue Starfleet. He was able to get a double-major in Xenobiology and Xenolinguistics. His first assignment was on the USS Eclipse.
Service Record 2390: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy - Science Track
2395: Graduated Starfleet Academy - Xenobiology and Xenolinguistics Major
2395: Transferred to the USS Eclipse