Lieutenant Ariel Voss

Name Ariel Voss

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 171
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Pale Blue
Physical Description Tall and slightly stocky, Ariel is an attractive human woman with bright copper colored hair and pale blue eyes. She has a natural black streak in her hair.


Father John Voss
Mother Georgia Voss

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ariel is usually quiet, calm, and collected in most situations. She is a naturally caring person, and generally tries to think carefully before speaking. She would rather remain quiet and not add in on matters that are of the upmost importance unless it is a situation involving the well being of others. A dedicated medical officer, she is truly in her element when it comes to treating those who are injured.
Strengths & Weaknesses A quick thinker, remains calm under pressure, very knowledgeable of the medical field

Prefers to avoid large social gatherings, not very knowledgeable of departments outside of medical
Ambitions Ariel doesn't really have any ambitions. She focuses on her duty and work and only wants to do her job well.