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Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 10:08pm

Commander Eva Grey

Name Eva Lynn Grey

Position Chief Science Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11''
Weight 139
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse None
Children None
Father Richard Grey
Mother Adriana de Alves del'Silveira Grey
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Érica de Alves (maternal grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eva is highly intelligent and a quick thinker. She prefers to try to solve problems though nonviolent means first. However, she is willing to concede to the fact that sometimes, aggressiveness and force is required. Because of this, she has a warm, friendly disposition, despite the fact that she is somewhat shy. She is an avid reader and has a liking towards history and wanderlust for exploring the stars.
Strengths & Weaknesses Eva is extremely intelligent and has an eidetic memory and an eagerness to learn. She loves to take on new challenges, but will often become so focused on a problem or situation that she tunes everything else out. She has a warm, friendly disposition, but is extremely shy around large crowds.
Hobbies & Interests Eva loves to sing, and she has a contralto singing voice. In addition, she also has a love for history, dance, and exploration. She also has a minor interest in martial arts.

Personal History Eva was born on August 25, 2355 in London, England. Her mother, Adriana de Alves del'Silveira Grey, a Brazilian born scientist from São Paulo who specialized in planetary science, and her father, Richard Grey, a business lawyer from England, were both more interested in developing their professional careers and pursuing their own personal goals than raising a child, so she was left to be raised by her maternal grandmother, Érica de Alves, who moved to London to take care of Eva. Growing up, she had a fairly normal childhood. Her parents were more often than not busy with their jobs, although they both took time off from work to visit with their daughter as often as they could. While her grandmother was firm in raising Eva to be respectful and honest, she was also very generous by allowing her to pursue a wide variety of interests, even encouraging Eva to follow her dreams when no one else would.

Early on in her life, Eva became interested in science. It quickly passed from being a hobby like so many other subjects often did into a subject that she became completely interested in, and before long she was learning as much as she could on a wide range of scientific subjects. While she struggled with some aspects of a few subjects, such as advanced theoretical galactic physics, she quickly excelled in others. She found that she enjoyed the fields of science related to astronomy and planetary science and quickly focused her attention to those subjects and similar fields of science throughout her school years, often sacrificing personal time or replacing free periods in high school with more classes related to science. Her interest in the subjects relating to planetary science also brought her closer to her mother, who started to help Eva in her studies after a time.

Upon her graduation from high school in 2373, Eva considered joining Starfleet after an Academy recruiter spoke to her. However, due to the outbreak of the Dominion War, Eva's father, who was always one to support her in continuing her education, encouraged her to instead attend a university and even guaranteed that she wouldn't have to worry about tuition. Deciding to take full advantage of this offer, Eva enrolled and attended the University of Cambridge in England. She took on as many courses as she could, and often she was allowed to take a few extra courses when she proved that she could handle the extra classes. Because of her additional courses, she graduated from the university with a number of degrees in a wide range of varying science subjects, including a master's degree in planetary science and Astronomy. After graduating from university in 2377, Eva was once again approached by a Starfleet Academy recruiter. This time, she agreed to join Starfleet, despite the fact that her parents voiced their dislike of her choice.