
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 9:45pm

Commander Jon Kia

Name Jon Kia

Position Chief Operations Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 205
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color hazel


Spouse None
Children None
Father Sean McKia
Mother Regina McKia (deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Once considered a wild and problem officer with an attitude, Jon has grown into a dedicated and hardworking officer who often seems wise beyond his years. He's worked to put the mistakes of his past behind him and uses the experience he's gained throughout his career to improve his abilities and capabilities. He is extremely loyal to his shipmates and to Starfleet. He has been known to question orders he disagrees with or sees a different way around the problem, but in the end he will follow his orders.
Strengths & Weaknesses Knowledgeable and experienced officer, intelligent, hard working, loyal,

Over focuses on problems sometimes, is sometimes too direct and candid

Will follow orders, but will also voice his opinion and views if he thinks there is another way to achieve the same outcome
Ambitions Jon hopes to one day obtain his own command of a Starfleet explorer

Personal History Jon's mother died giving birth to him, a fact that caused Jon's father to give him up for adoption the same day he was born. Placed in a children's home, Jon was never adopted but instead graduated high school and aged out of the foster home system. He met his father briefly, and the experience was bitter enough for Jon to legally change his surname and walk away without a second thought or looking back. He applied to Starfleet as a means to escape.
Service Record 2374- accepted into Starfleet Academy
2378- commissioned as Ens, assigned to USS Avalon
2380- promotion to LtJg
2381- demoted to Ens for 6 months as disciplinary action
2382- promoted to LtJg
2383- assigned to USS Whitestar
2385- promotion to Lt
2390- promotion to LtCmdr
2395- assigned to USS Dirae
2396- assigned to USS Eclipse