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Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 8:38pm

Lieutenant M'Learrea Furukawa - Tanaka

Name M'Learrea Emiko Furukawa - Tanaka PsyD

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon/ Human (Japanese)
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 70kgs
Hair Color Deep Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A tall, rather curvy (Fuller, hourglass) figured Klingon hybrid. Long dark brown hair that is usually partially pinned up. A bit more human-esque than most Klingons, but still very Klingon in appearance.


Spouse Enzo Tanaka
Children T'Pei Tanaka (Vulcan daughter of Enzo - daughter by marriage)
Father Not known at this time
Mother Sakura Furukawa
Brother(s) Not known at this time
Sister(s) Not known at this time
Other Family note: As the identity of her father remains unknown, a lot of her family history is a mystery. The majority of her mother's family turned their back on her for her decisions in having her daughter in the first place.

Personality & Traits

General Overview M'Learrea or 'Mel' as some officers have come to call her, is a woman who lives between two worlds and has had a hard-won fight to find her own definition of balance.

She does her best to embrace her Klingon heritage and the Japanese background that she was raised in. She is newer to the Klingon culture yet endeavours to learn all she can about it. She was raised with some Klingon ideals yet more immersed in her Japanese heritage by her mother. Very gentle and kind natured, but with a fiery Klingon side to contend with. She does have a tendency to push the limits, if she feels the situation calls for it.
Strengths & Weaknesses A Highly charged and passionate person. Can be very dedicated, she can sometimes get distracted or deeply engrossed.

Highly compassionate, it is harder to let it get into the bounds of work.

Withdrawn around most people until she gets 'comfortable' in the situation; but can be detached at times. has a tendency to become too involved, push the limits and usually that is when tempers fray.

She has said that she has a Klingon sized temper at the end of a VERY long fuse. Once her patience runs out her temper can be very full on and hard to control.
Ambitions M'Learrea has one to strive and move to greater heights. She has previously filled the position of CMO, even combining the more western techniques and the more Eastern ones she learnt with her mother to find gentler alternatives to the more typical treatments.

Now, she is moving into a new phase of her life. The next challenge that lies ahead will bring with it new ambitions. M'Learrea has had forays into counselling yet nothing like it in a more permanent role. Now, for her the ambitions come in the way of stretching herself in serving others as well as taking life changes a little more in stride than she has done in the past.

She feels that the answers to her origins; the Where, Who and why of her father are close and yet ever so elusive. There is a genuine ambition to get to know her own past, yet that is more at the discretion of her mother than anything else.

Naturally, in now being married and settled with her 'loving Samurai', there is the usual dreams of life and family. She has been getting to know him ever so slowly, as with most things with a Samurai, even in getting to know him, it tends to happen more on 'Samurai time' and feels like it could slow the rest of the world down.
Hobbies & Interests M'Learrea's hobbies include reading, swimming, gardening (tending to her Bonsai is a personal favourite) and her pursuit of the Klingon martial arts.

She has an interest in the history and culture of both her Klingon heritage and her Japanese upbringing. She has an interest in music and meditation.

Thanks to her mother and her upbringing she is skilled in the 'lost arts' of the Japanese tea ceremony, Origami and Japanese calligraphy. She also enjoys Japanese Fan Dancing.

One of her Favorite holo-programs is a replica of a Japanese hot spring.

Personal History M'Learrea was born as a child of two worlds and never totally comfortable in either. Raised in Japan from a young age; she tried to embrace both sides of her life in a 'Yin and Yang' approach; this has, and always will be, a work in progress.

Her mother taught her a lot about alternative medicine and a more spiritual way of life. Compared to a lot of doctors, she will turn to alternative medicine first, whenever possible. Some of her more skilled practices include 'Ki' massage therapy, Reiki, multiple forms of massage including pressure point manipulation and acupuncture.

She does embrace her temper and the 'warrior' side of her, especially when she has to 'get things done' She is a VERY patient person but there is a typical Klingon temper waiting at the end of it like a time bomb.

M'Learrea is one who never truly lets her guard down; except around her close friends, those she feels comfortable to truly be herself around. Those are a truly select few. Her trust can be hard to earn and she trusts very few, but once bestowed she honours that trust well.

She has felt very hurt by her past. never truly accepted in Japan and she had a lot of her Klingon heritage withheld from her. She sought out the answers and control of her 'Klingon beast' as soon as she was old enough to understand and seek the answers out for herself.

Her father is the biggest mystery in her life; especially the reason as to why her mother remains so tight lipped about him. No name has ever been mentioned and she does not know what house she would belong to, if any. There has been plenty of speculation surrounding the facts of her Klingon heritage; everything from being a part of a dishonoured house to personal dishonour and rape. M'Learrea has not pressed the issue with her mother; Sakura, for fear of ruining their relationship. M'Learrea does have the distinct feeling that this will be a secret taken to the grave.

She is now moving into a new chapter, after coming aboard the Eclipse with her love, Enzo Tanaka; she now starts life anew as his wife.
Service Record M'Learrea graduated the academy with her MD, Psychology degree with minors in alternative medicine and paediatrics.

Her first posting was as a part of the Starfleet emergency relief teams based on Earth.

- participated in 2 6 month relief efforts in the Karuma and Ton'Cral systems.

- Participated in a 3 month Relief effort on Mog'Ryu 4 after native flu pandemic.

Recalled to Starbase 12 for a 6 month stint as Temporary CMO. participated in 3 month relief effort to Ton'Cral 2 due to wide spread earthquakes and food shortages. Participated in a 2 month relief effort on Mog'Ryu 2 after quarantine breach of Von Tratsu fever patients.

Through no fault of her own Dr Furukawa was lost to known space, during a ship evacuation while transferring between postings; slipping into the Delta Triangle. Her, Enzo Tanaka and other survived aboard the USS Phantom.

After M'Learrea and a small amount of crew were recovered, mysteriously 'popping back' from the triangle they had disappeared into she took up a starbase posting as an AMO before moving on to her next posting aboard the USS Winchester.