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Security Reporting for Duty

Posted on Mon Aug 19th, 2024 @ 10:20pm by Lieutenant Jaina Zalla & Ensign Matt Connor

890 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Beginnings

The security office on deck three was small, cramped, and everything Jaina had expected it to be. It was also very well organized, laid out, and worked into the overall design of the rest of the ship to the point that she was impressed with the design. Like everything else on the Eclipse, the small security office had been painstakingly designed with the department's effectiveness capability firmly in mind. Her own office was small, as was to be expected since Jaina doubted she would spend much time in it. Most of her time would be on the bridge, or moving throughout the ship. It took her less than ten minutes to check the security offices, armory, and brig before she moved back outside into the corridor, moving quickly enough that she nearly bumped into an officer entering the security office.

"I'm sorry," Jaina exclaimed as she extended a hand to help the office steady himself.

Matt had come on board the Eclipse and used the map he had been given to find his way to the security office. He had been surprised to have been sent orders to report to the Eclipse, having come to terms with his failures on his last star ship posting and expected to be grounded forever. But the chance to redeem his self had at last been sent his way and he was determined to make up for his past mistakes. But running into a lieutenant outside the security office hadn't been in his plans.

'I'm totally going to the brig' he thought as he grabbed the woman's arm in an effort to not fall down. "It's ok, sir. Ma'am! Please forgive me, I'm still getting back in the habit of being back in uniform," he said.

"I'll let it go this time," Jaina said with a little laugh. "You must be one of the security officers."

"I am," Matt answered. "I just came on board, and I don't even know who my department head it, but it there something I can try to help you with?"

Jaina chuckled and shook her head. "No, but I think I might be able to help you out a little. I'm Lieutenant Jaina Zalla, the chief of security and tactical," she said as she held out her hand.

"Oh! Awesome!" Matt said as he took her hand and shook it. "Ensign Matt Connor."

"Yes, you're the ensign who they said had prior service," Jaina said. "I must admit that I haven't had the chance to read everyone's file, but I'm surprised to have an ensign with one assignment behind him already."

"I was first posted to the USS Enif as security officer. My first away mission went badly and I sort of lost it, so Starfleet grounded me pending an investigation," Matt said, not hiding anything. "I honestly believe the pressure of the situation was too much for me to handle at that time."

"Oh, well you're certainly forthcoming with your downfalls," Jaina said as she thought over his admission. She liked the fact that he wasn't hiding anything from her, although it also meant that she would want to keep her eye on him as well. "You do know that as security officers, we're expected to remain calm and keep our heads during away missions regardless of the situations, as the lives of every other officer on the away team, and by extension every officer assigned to this ship, depends on us."

"Yes, ma'am," Matt said. "I've been in therapy for the last few months and part of my reactivation terms was to be maintained under partial supervision by the ship's counselor as well as my department head. I think it might be one reason I'm here. My understanding is that Nova class ships don't see a lot of heavy action."

"Well, sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't," Jaina said. "Keep in mind that this is Starfleet. We never know what the universe is going to throw at us."

"I understand, and I hope to do better on the Eclipse," Matt said.

Jaina regarded the ensign for a minute or two before she finally nodded. "Well, all I can do is give you the chance to prove yourself. If you succeed, you stay. If not, I'll recommend you to another assignment. Keep in mind that you'll be under review, Ensign."

"Yes, Ma'am," Matt said, trying not to sound frightened by the thought of failing again.

"Square your belongings away and spend the rest of the day getting familiar with the ship. I want everyone in security to know every inch of this ship," Jaina said. "I'm going to start running drills and tests on you guys tomorrow. Dismissed."

"Yes Ma'am!" Matt said as he braced to attention and saluted before he turned and hurried down the corridor to find his quarters.

Jaina watched the security officer as he scurried off and she smiled. He would be one she would need to watch over for a while, but he at least had potential and she intended to see just how well he could grow as an officer. With an evil thought in her head and one of her crooked smiles on her face, Jaina started off down the corridor. She wanted to visit with someone who knew more about the ship before she started planning training drills.


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