A Few Changes

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 12:13pm by Captain Mitsu Sato

Greetings everyone,

There has been some discussions between the command staff over the past few weeks and I've decided to make a few changes in the overall direction of the sim. I had originally thought to put the Eclipse in the Andromeda Galaxy with the goal of returning home in mind, but instead I'm going to go with the suggestion of keeping the Eclipse closer to home and putting the sim in the deep regions of the Gamma and Delta Quadrants. Hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone to contribute and make the goal of getting the ship and crew home more realistic.

Additionally, there have been some changes to the crew manifest as well. Lieutenant Furukawa, Lieutenant Commander Tanaka and Ensign MacPherson have all been removed for lack of activity and communication with the Command Staff. There have been some character shifting as well. Leland will be stepping up to the position of Executive Officer with a new character, Fran will be side-stepping to Second Officer. DG will be taking over Chief Operations, and we welcome Esther and Eden to the sim as Chief Medical and Chief Security/Tactical respectfully. There will hopefully be a few new faces over the next week or two, as well as a crop of NPCs as well.

I'm working on a post that will reflect these new changes. As always, if anyone has any questions, comments, or simply wants to voice their opinion on anything, please feel free to send me a message or an e-mail.

Thank you,

Captain Mitsu Sato


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