
New Beginnings

Posted on Sun Jun 11th, 2023 @ 3:04pm by Captain Mitsu Sato

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Beginnings

The office complex of Starbase One, the massive star base that orbited Earth, was just as confusing as the office levels of Starfleet Command. For Captain Mitsu Sato, that was an aggravating fact as well as an unpleasant one as she navigated the corridors to the office suite she had been summoned to. The one saving grace that factored into the station's complex being better than the one at the Starfleet Headquarters compound in San Francisco was that compartment doors on star ships and stations were numbered in a pattern that was easy to understand and follow. Therefore, Mitsu was able to find the one office suite she had been ordered to find easily enough, although it took far longer than she would have liked.

The ensign sitting in the outer office looked up as Mitsu entered. He had the look of someone who had just graduated from Starfleet Academy and was still trying to figure out just what they were doing. "Can I help you, Captain?" he asked.

'At least he was able to ask the question without coming across as a frightened puppy,' Mitsu thought. "I'm here to see Admiral Valérian," she replied.

"Please go right in, the admirals are expecting you, Captain," the yeoman said, and Mitsu had to hide her surprised reaction at the mention that more than one admiral waited beyond the door.

Stepping into the main office, Mitsu quickly took note of the two admirals who were already sitting in the conversation area. The senior admiral, a dark haired and sharp eyed woman who wore the three stars of a vice admiral, fixed her piercing gaze on Mitsu the moment she entered the room. The other simply leaned back in her seat and appeared to observe. Knowing the senior admiral's stance on proper etiquette, Mitsu braced to attention. "Captain Mitsu Sato, reporting as requested," she said.

"At ease, Captain, and please sit down," Admiral Valérian said. Mitsu did so and quickly. The senior admiral waved her hand to indicate her other guest. "This is Admiral Ausma Scott, who has presented me with a problem that I believe you may be the solution to. Starfleet has completed construction and basic field tests on a next generation Nova Class star ship, and I need to name a permanent commanding officer. I understand the the Sierra will be in dry dock for the next several months once her refit begins, so that leaves you in the position to accept this command without causing too much of an issue if you wish to accept."

"But the Sierra is a Nova class as well," Mitsu said, frowning as she tried to figure out how to proceed with the conversation while not offending the two flag officers.

"The Sierra is nearly thirty years old and about to undergo a complete refit that will require her to be in dry dock and under field tests for the next year. The Eclipse is a brand new ship that will be issued new orders next week," Admiral Scott said.

"And the difference between the two ships?" Mitsu asked, raising her eyebrow in a curious manner.

"Well, the Sierra will of course be able to match most of the Eclipse's basic capabilities after her refit, assuming the dry dock crew does their job correctly," Admiral Scott said as she leaned back in her seat. "But the Eclipse is our first Nova class star ship that will be a true deep space capable vessel of her class. In fact, the redesign team has indicated that she can operate in deep space alone and conduct the majority of deep space operations that Starfleet requires for up to two years. It's a far cry from the five and seven year operational scales that other ship classes can shoulder, but the longer time scale and upgraded onboard systems will allow us to field the Nova class ships in multiple types of missions, and widen the capabilities of the Nova class overall."

Mitsu nodded in understanding. The Nova class ships had always been limited only by the technology limitations of the age they had been designed and built in. With the newer and more advanced technical capabilities that Starfleet was able to field onboard its star ships at the current date, it wasn't too difficult to assume that those advancements could improve the capabilities of the Nova class, or any of the older star ship classes for that matter. And by making some of the smaller star ship classes, such as the Nova class, capable of handling and fielding multiple types of missions, it truly would increase Starfleet's capabilities overall.

Frowning, Mitsu considered her last thought. Since the Dominion War, Starfleet had been limited in its abilities to build and field new star ships to replace the losses it had suffered during the war. Over half of Starfleet's armada had been destroyed or so severely damaged that it would be another decade before Starfleet would even be at half of its pre-Dominion War strength, a fact that strained its current fleet in its ability to operate effectively. Bringing in redesigned star ships of some of the smaller and more proven classes that could fill some of the gaps without straining the officer and resource pools would bring some relief to Starfleet in more than one way.

It also didn't hurt that the Eclipse was another, if apparently upgraded, Nova class. Mitsu had always held a fondness for the smaller star ship classes, specially the Nova class. The only drawback was the fact that the smaller ship classes held limitations. In the Nova class, it had been it's range and capabilities to operate as a multi mission platform. If, indeed, Starfleet had managed to upgrade the systems and capabilities on board, then the Eclipse would indeed be a dream assignment for Mitsu. It also meant that it was going to fall on her and her new crew to prove the capabilities of the new ship, which meant a fresh range of challenges.

"You certainly know how to make me think into an agreement with any of your ideas, Admiral," Mitsu finally said as she offered a small smile. "I'd be happy to accept command of the Eclipse."

Admiral Valérian offered one of her extremely rare smiles. "It's because I know you so well, Captain, and of all the captains under my flag, you're definitely one of my favorites," she allowed. "I have your orders to transfer to the Eclipse ready, as well as instructions for your first officer on the Sierra to assume acting command until I can figure out what to do about the captaincy there."

"Careful, Admiral, or your reputation of being an evil overlord will be shattered," Admiral Scott laughed. Turning towards Mitsu, she nodded. "Very good, Captain. The Eclipse is located in docking slip four in the Earth Orbital Shipyard complex. Some of your officers are already on board, but I'm sure the rest will arrive soon enough. Good luck, Captain."

Mitsu stood along with the two admirals and shook hands with both. Admiral Valérian handed her a Padd with her new orders and details regarding the Eclipse itself. Being dismissed, Mitsu nodded her farewells to both admirals and quickly stepped across the office and out into the corridor. It wouldn't take her long to pack and say her farewells on the Sierra, and then she would be moving to the Eclipse to assume command. Tucking the Padd under one arm, Mitsu allowed a small smile as she walked down the corridor and towards an interesting afternoon.



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