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The Physicality and Mentality of Medical

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 8:38pm by Commander Wesley Evans & Lieutenant M'Learrea Furukawa - Tanaka PsyD

854 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Beginnings
Location: Sickbay

As much as he was reluctant to admit it, Wesley had found the sickbay and adjoining medical labs to be rather well designed, equipped and fully functional. It paled in comparison to a larger ship, but Eclipse was a Nova and no matter how well the ship had been redesigned its internal space was limited. The design team at Starfleet Engineering had done an excellent job however and Wesley couldn't really find anything wrong with the Eclipse's sickbay. He didn't want to just come out and admit it, but he found that he might just like being on the Eclipse after all. Having gone through the inventory and roster, he sat in his office and read through the specs on the medical setup on the ship. There were a few things he would have to consider tweaking, but it seemed like there would be very little in his having to set things up to suit him. He was deep in thought and focused on his reading that he didn't notice someone entering his office.

For the size of ship, Medical seemed small and quaint. it was not like her last ship at all, there was another big change for her though, her office would not exactly be that of the CMO. This time around Counselling would be her home. She slowly made her way through the sickbay and popped her head around the corner of the CMO's office. Seeing that someone was home she moved in and announced herself.

"Sumimasen!" The simple Japanese word was translated through the UT quite quickly. "Excuse me!"

Wesley nearly jumped, mostly because he had been so focused that he hadn't even noticed someone standing in his office doorway. Looking up, he blinked rapidly a couple of times before he could focus on the person standing there.

There was a Klingon/Japanese woman standing in front of him in a teal kimono with a white Obi sash that gradually changed to teal on the ends.

"I do apologise if I startled you. I am M'Learrea Furukawa-Tanaka. I am to be Ship's counsellor to the Eclipse."

"Oh, a counselor, that's good news," Wesley said as he leaned back and waved for her to sit down. "I thought I was going to have to figure out how to keep everyone on this ship sane all on my own."

M'Learrea moved in and took a seat. "Now that would only burn you out. it is far better to have some help. I have been in your shoes before. CMO is enough to have on your plate, to have much more is too much." Mel replied.

"At least this ship only has a small crew," Wesley said. "I probably could have managed, but I'm not much of a counselor and honestly my bedside manner isn't always the best. I've been accused of being too professional sometimes."

"You have had the too professional, I have had the too passionate. I have had trouble leaving my emotions out of things. It is a flaw of mine. Some could say a Klingon trait and yet not. I am sure we will both handle the crew quite well."

Wesley nodded. "Well, I'll handle the physical wellness of the crew, you handle their mental wellness. And I hope that we don't have to endure any long term stressful missions that will upset the crew's balance."

"We will do the best with what we are given. What is that old saying.... we cross the bridge when we get there?" M'Learrea smiled a little. "Do not worry about the Chief of Security. He is in good health, sound mind and will make sure you and your patients are quite safe."

"You seem to know a lot about our chief of security," Wesley observed, although granted he didn't know much about hardly anyone on the Eclipse yet.

"A wife does know her husband after all. He can be a bit stubborn at times and will not show you when he is in pain. So, I will warn you now, look to the injuries and not to his face and judge. As he will not be all that inclined to tell you the truth when it comes to his old friend, pain."

"Ah," Wesley nodded. It wasn't unheard of for spouses to be assigned to the same ship, in fact he knew it happened all the time. A small ship like Eclipse wasn't generally at the top of the list of candidates for such a posting, but it did happen. "Well, I treat all of my patients the same, and as chief medical officer if I have to order anyone to accept treatment I will," Wesley said. He had done so before, although it did happen rarely. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to pull such authority on the Eclipse, but you never knew what kind of patients a new crew would bring.

"Hopefully, I won't have to though," Wesley continued after a moment. "But for right now, I need to finish getting settled in. I'll let you do the same." With a small wave, Wesley turned back to what he was doing before.


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