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Psych, Science and the Command Chain

Posted on Tue Feb 20th, 2024 @ 6:24pm by Commander Eva Grey & Lieutenant M'Learrea Furukawa - Tanaka PsyD

1,138 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Beginnings


While the gym on board the Eclipse wasn't large, it was well supplied, and Eva had been delighted to discover the full-scale built-in treadmill. It allowed her to undertake her daily run without having to disrupt the corridors, which to her understanding was one reason the Eclipse was equipped with such a device. While she would have also preferred a swimming pool, the small size of the ship negated that such activities would be restricted to the holo-deck.

Eva had decided to take full advantage of the fact that the Eclipse was docked, and the crew were preparing to get the ship underway to have a quiet half hour to undertake a quick run. Being off duty, she had changed from her duty uniform to her Starfleet issued PT outfit, since she had few off-duty clothes to begin with. Not bothering to set a timer, she continued well past her initial goal of a ten-to-twenty-minute jog and instead found herself panting slightly for breath after a hard thirty-five-minute-long run. Controlling her breathing, she switched the treadmill off and reached for her towel.

"Sumimasen!" A mid alto voice said behind the Commander. It was only a moment before the UT kicked in and translated it to 'standard'. "Excuse me."

Eva managed, barely, not to jump and drop her towel at the unexpected voice from behind her. It had been quiet in the gym, although she had been focused on her own activities and not truly paying attention to her surroundings. She took in a deep, steadying breath and slowly released it as she turned around towards the source of the voice.

"Hello," Eva said, trying to keep her voice level.

"Ah.. So sorry if I scared you. I guess I am in more of a Japanese mood than Klingon today." She said with a slightly toothy smile. "I am M'Learrea Furukawa-Tanaka. I will be ship's counsellor for the Eclipse."

The lady seemed rather out of place in a teal-coloured Kimono with a white Obi sash that turned teal on the ends. She offered a slight bow as she stood facing the XO.

"I thought it better to make introductions, some people tend to avoid someone in my position."

"I see," Eva said as she finished drying off. "I had heard that medical officers and counselors were being trained in the art of expertly sneaking up on people. It's good to know that the Academy has been successful in their goal of making it more difficult in avoiding them," she finished with a smile as she held out her hand. "Commander Eva Grey."

M'Learrea had a bit of a giggle behind her hand for a moment. she took up the handshake before another slight bow.

"Good to meet you, Eva-chan. I suppose having a husband who is Chief of Security might help in being a little more 'quiet and in the background' when needed." her smile was light yet did show that the Klingon genetics were strong in her. "Please do not worry, I don't bite.... much." Mel had to giggle at that.

Eva raised an eyebrow and nodded before she tossed her towel onto her gym bag. Glancing at the clock mounted on the wall, she noted that she had a little spare time. Turning her attention back to the counselor, she smiled. "So, I'll need to brush up on growing eyes in the back of my head," she said lightly. "I'll have to admit that this is the first time I've heard of a counselor actively hunting down crew members."

"I do want you to know that my door is open. Not just to Sato-chan, but yourself and the rest of the crew. Being a smaller ship can be great yet have its challenges. I am sure those will even visit the doorstep of my husband and I, on occasion."

"I'll certainly remember to take you up on your offer," Eva said. "Being a small crew, we'll all have to try to remember that we'll need to rely on and try to help each other more. I've heard it's one of the challenges of being on a smaller ship and a part of a smaller crew. But we're all Starfleet officers, and I'm just as certain that we'll face any challenge head on."

"Of course. Alone can have its benefits, yet it is together where we gain more strength. My husband would agree with that sentiment. He will be Security chief; I am sure you will not have to worry much about matters of security."

"Well, right now I'm not too worried about much of anything, except maybe how well the ship will operate with the new systems," Eva said with a smile. "But as first officer, I'm afraid I'm going to be worried about everything once we launch."

"What of yourself, is this your first time as an XO?" Mel asked, trying to get a feel for Eva.

"I acted as first officer aboard my previous ship, until the commanding officer was infected with a biological disease and I had to assume command temporally," Eva replied. "That was a stressful five months, I'll admit."

"Of that, I would have no doubt. To step into the shoes of someone else, even if for a time, can be downright dauntless. I have been a CMO on a couple of ships, including my last one. Stepping up to that was not an easy task. Now, I try something that others consider the same, yet is vastly different. The mind may be connected to the body, but it still has mysteries we do not understand." M'Learrea had a gentle smile to her.

"People who see me coming see a Klingon and have the expectations of a Klingon, psychologically that would be expected. When the see my eyes and the kimono, that is where we go from expected to 'off script'. Not every person or every situation is what you expect of it. I am sure you carried yourself well and did the best you could with what you were given."

"Well, that's what Starfleet Command stated," Eva said. "I believe that's one reason I was assigned to the Eclipse. Which is acceptable with me. I have much to learn, and here is one place that I can learn more about command while still performing my duties as a science officer."

Glancing at the time, Eva sighed as she finished drying off with the towel and offered the counselor a smile. "Unfortunately, right now I must cut our conversation short, as I need to check in and see if any of the new science officers have arrived," she said. Offering a smile and a nod of her head, Eva collected the rest of her things. "I look forward to our next conversation, Lieutenant," she said before she started towards the door.


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