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Klingons, Kimonos and the world of the Mind

Posted on Sat Oct 14th, 2023 @ 10:22am by Captain Mitsu Sato & Lieutenant M'Learrea Furukawa - Tanaka PsyD

1,561 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Beginnings


M'Learrea had been settling into the station well enough, her husband and Mel had just spent some beautiful time in Japan until receiving the news of a new assignment. Being counsellor was a change of pace for her.

"Looking after the mental health of so many and being a sounding board to one so is not a small ask at all. At least i know he who holds my heart is behind me in this new endeavour."

She had been walking along all of the ships, just meandering along slowly taking in all of the sights. She came around a corner and looked out. She had found docking slip four and moored there was her new home, yet it seemed like the rest of the corridors were more like a maze.

"Ah, there you are. " She said softly. "Now just to find your captain and i will be all set." M'Learrea looked around at all of the people coming and going. "This could be a tougher task than I thought right now." M'Learrea made the wisest call she could.

=^= M'Learrea to Captain Sato. I have found my way to Slip four, yet now I find myself a bit lost. I was hoping to 'bump' into a familiar face that could 'lead the way home'? =^=

Mitsu had made it a point to personally inspect her new command, in part because as captain and commanding officer she was responsible and in part because she wanted to check out the Eclipse and get familiar with the new ship. She had made her way to the waverider and was almost done with her inspection of the craft when her communication badge beeped. Frowning in thought, she finally remembered that M'Learrea was the name of the new counselor that had been assigned to the Eclipse.

Tapping her communication badge, Mitsu spoke as she stepped towards the boarding hatch of the Orion and back onto the Eclipse. "Sato to M'Learrea, wait for me by the main observation view-port, I'm on my way."

M'Learrea stood, looking to the busy crowd around her. She was a picture of Japanese elegance; she was in a teal blue kimono with a white and teal obi sash and part of her hair pinned back with a very special silver comb.

Finding her new counselor wasn't as difficult as she had first feared, Mitsu silently reflected as she stepped onto the observation platform and glanced around. The teal kimono stood out among the mostly black Starfleet uniforms and engineering jumpsuits as well as the darker colored clothing that the handful of civilians present wore. Mitsu paused for the briefest of moments before she made her way towards the elegant looking woman.

"Lieutenant M'Learrea Tanaka?" Mitsu asked as she stepped up to the woman.

M'Learrea turned to the voice. She saw almost a reflection of herself, if it were not for her Klingon heritage. She bowed in proper custom to her new captain. This was someone she would be around as much as her Beloved.

"Captain Sato. it is good to meet at last. M'Learrea or Mel is just fine. Rank and formality can be kept for other times. I know we will be working closely together." She looked out at the Eclipse. "She is a fine looking ship, I am sure her crew will be befitting of her." Mel said with a Klingon style small grin. She turned back to face her captain.

Mitsu hid a slight smile as she returned the welcoming bow to her new counselor. It had been a very long time since she had encountered someone who observed the customs she had been raised with, so it was a breath of a home she had left many years before. Stepping up to stand beside M'Learrea, she stared out the view port and smiled a little.

"The Eclipse may be small, but I've come to discover that the small ships are sometimes the ones that make all the difference. As she's the most advanced of her class ever built, I'm rather proud to be her captain," Mitsu said.

"I hope you are not opposed to my wearing of the Kimono from time to time. There are times where it is nice to breakaway from the traditional uniform. At least being counsellor allows me to do so." Mel asked with a soft smile.

"As ship's counselor, you have a bit more leeway at times, although I would ask that you be in uniform while you're on duty on the bridge," Mitsu said. "Of course, there are always exceptions and I try to look at the situation at hand."

Mel smiled, there was an understanding there. "Of course, that will be fine. How have you been settling in? I have no doubt your 'to do list' is about as long as my arm?" Mel knew that would be the case and then some, it was good to get a read and hope that it would foster trust and a relaxed relationship. Last thing that she needed was an uptight captain that would not confide in her.

"I actually haven't had the chance to get around to visiting my quarters yet," Mitsu replied as she turned and waved her hand to ask M'Learrea to join her as she started walking. "I haven't been aboard long, and I jumped straight into work. The Eclipse is a brand new ship and I want the ship and the crew to perform well, since Starfleet Command will be watching us like hawks."

M'Learrea took up step alongside Sato. "Of that, I have no doubt. just as the mother watches her baby's first steps with a keen eye, just in case of a fall from grace; so too would that ever-watchful eye be upon us." Mel giggled a moment. "Personally, I have some habits to break and others to take up. I have been a CMO for so long, Counselling will be a great change of pace."

M'Learrea looked to her captain for a moment, it was always hard to pick up just how a Captain saw a counsellor, what kind of asset or were they in the way? Would they be just a sounding board or much more.

"Sato-chan, I would appreciate some honesty and candour for a moment. if that is all right with you?"

Mitsu managed to not blink at the honorific chan, mostly because it had been so long since she had heard its use, specially towards her. But she hid her reaction and nodded. "I always appreciate direct honesty, and I will make every effort to return it," she said.

"We, in all of this journey through the stars; will be working as closely together as the XO and yourself and sometimes spending time together that could make a husband and Samurai jealous, if I didn't know him better. How do you see our working relationship to be? Am I to be that Jiminy Cricket or Tinkerbelle, sought out, valued and kept close or more like a department consultant? I ask, as I have seen both before and know which I prefer." There was not a serious tone, more one of past encounters, the present and expectations of the future.

Mitsu paused, mostly in thought because the question had been one that she was unprepared for. "I honestly can't answer that right now," she finally replied. "I didn't have a counselor on my previous command, so I have no experience in working with one as a commanding officer. I've also never really sought out a counselor before, although to be quite honest some things might have turned out different if I had. All I can tell you is that we will all have to find our footing on the Eclipse, our niche as an old friend would say. But I will try to make an effort to not put you in a position you're not happy or comfortable with."

"Ah, I see." Mel replied. "If that has been the case in the past, then may I suggest that we try it that I check in with you, to see where you are at and if, you so happen to feel like you did when 'things did not go well', that you seek me out so that it does not happen again. it is a good starting point at least. I promise I will not bite.... much." She said with a smile, that finally showed a more true and toothy Klingon style smile.

"I think that is an arraignment that I can agree with to get started," Mitsu said as they arrived at the boarding airlock for the Eclipse. "This is us. You might want to check in with operations for your quarter assignment if that information hasn't been sent to you yet."

"Mochiron (Of course)" came M'Learrea's reply, slipping into her native language for a moment. "I have quarters to find, my office to check out and settle into and then to find a certain Samurai of mine. I am sure we will get along well, and if it felt interesting and somewhat comfortable for us like this, just wait till you meet my husband. If anything, he is traditional and quite unique."

M'Learrea bowed at the docking collar. Not unlike entering a dojo or one's home, the respect was paid in boarding her new home for the first time.


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