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Present one self to the Shogun

Posted on Sat Dec 16th, 2023 @ 1:39pm by Captain Mitsu Sato & Lieutenant Commander Enzo Tanaka

1,245 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Beginnings
Location: Ready Room


Tanaka had his routine working in his favor, starting with the Kata and blade training at 0400 hours. After a kiss to his lovely Bride so not to wake but know in her slumber he acknowledged her.

Then the Japanese bathing and grooming before seeing to his uniform. Once properly dressed he would have breakfast with Mel-chan until it is the Alpha shift and the blip of the Captain heading to the bridge and ready room from the computer proximity warning.

Making his way to the Ready Room to ring the chime.

Mitsu had barely had time to order a cup of coffee from the replicator and sit down before the door chime rang out. Pausing, she cut her eyes towards the door and called "Enter," before continuing enjoying her coffee.

Tanaka entered the Ready Room, cross to the front of the desk and Captain before making a proper Japanese Bow then spoke.

"Lieutenant Commander Tanaka reporting as regulation require." Extending the PADD with his transfer orders. "You New Chief of Security and Tactical Captain."

Mitsu suppressed a sigh as she set her coffee down and accepted the Padd. Waving to indicate that Commander Tanaka could sit down, she activated the Padd and started skimming through the information it held. "Very well, Commander Tanaka," she said after a moment. Setting the Padd down, she picked her coffee back up and turned her gaze towards him. "Everything seems to be in order. I trust that you're qualified on the new tactical systems the Eclipse was upgraded with?"

"I had some time while preparing for transfer and the flight here to familiarize myself." He bow slightly. "I am honored you accepted the transfer of My Wife and I on short notice."

"Well, I'm not about to turn down officers who come with recommendations," Mitsu said with a smile before she took a sip of her drink. Setting the cup down, she waved towards the replicator. "Do you want a drink?"

"No thank you." Tanaka replied. "If I might be so bold, the Hagakure clearly states 'Being a good retainer is nothing other than being a supporter of one's lord." Tanaka concluded. "Half a millennium later the Lord is captain by title, I vow to be a fine retainer to your command Captain."

"Stop, please," Mitsu said as she raised a hand to stop Tanaka. Shaking her head, she suppressed a sigh and momentarily closed her eyes in order to give herself a moment to fight the wave of unwelcome emotions that threatened to assault her usually calm demeanor. Opening her eyes, she shook her head before she spoke. "Please understand, Commander, that while I am from Japan and was raised in the ancient traditions of my family and heritage, I didn't come to adhere to those traditions like others in my family. I'm uncomfortable being compared to a feudal lord. I'm merely a Starfleet captain and commanding officer of a Federation star ship. I appreciate your custom, and the vow in which is was given, and I accept it so that honor is maintained intact and no slight or offense is given. I truly hope that you understand that I don't intend to offend you, your custom, or your honor."

"A retainer is a servant, one whom serves a ship. Five hundred or so years has created a formal way I interact and speak. " Tanaka said calmly. "I have given this type of vow many times to Commanding Officers, not all Japanese. It is my way Captain; I would never call you by any other title outside this vow." He explained. "That wisdom of the Hagakure is ingrained in me, it helps guide my steps Ma'am."

Mitsu stared at Tanaka for a long moment, fighting her own inward demons as she did so. She couldn't help but hear and see her father and feel her mounting hatred and anger as she did so. Even after all the years since she had left home, his memory still roused strong feelings, and hardly any of them were good. Closing her eyes, Mitsu took a deep breath and slowly released it, focusing on the officer before her and pushing her own personal mental demons to the back of her mind.

"Very well, Commander, I'll accept it this time," she said, fighting hard to keep her voice level. "Please take no offense towards me for my own beliefs towards the ancient traditions of our culture."

"Japan has changed much since the time of youth when those traditions were more strictly enforced. The Western invasion and stepping into the Universe has modernized, no harm in a forward thinking. Tradition are remembered and honored because in some situations they have wisdom for the present. They are like wisdom you be aware of it but only what is useful to you at that time. Leave the rest for later."

Mitsu quietly stared at the commander for a long moment before she finally nodded and suppressed a sigh. Her father would have argued against both of them, but he was one of the die-hard traditionalists who refused to accept that anything had changed. No doubt he would have said that both her and Tanaka deserved to be whipped for their views regarding the ancient ways. She finally pushed the entire debate from the front of her mind.

"Very well," Mitsu finally said. "Did your orders state your quarter assignment?"

"I am quite satisfied with the upgrade thank you." Tanaka replied. "We were assigned family quarters with the marriage so it will be very comfortable." He made eye contact. "The security of this ship is my prime concern, her crew safety is what I live to protect. This is my vow to the ship."

"Very well," Mitsu said with a grave nod of her head. "Then I want you to become very familiar with the tactical and defensive systems aboard the Eclipse. One never knows when they will be called to action, and in the middle of a situation is the wrong time to learn how to use the tools you have been given."

"There are Tactical simulation that I utilized in transit and intend on logging hours to be fully prepared for any 'Contingency' that might arise of things; as they say, go south." He gave her a genuine grin. "My duty is to not take brain space in you; doing well my tasks allows you to concentrate on other things with confidence I have the Protection of crew and ship as my highest duty."

"Very well," Mitsu said, not sure why she sounded like a parrot as she spoke. "Then I'll leave you to get settled in and prepare your department. We'll hold a senior officer briefing after we launch, so until then I'll let you get the groundwork started in getting security and tactical built up."

"It will be done." Tanaka said while stopping the urge to bow as the Captain has noted she wishes more modern style behavior from him. "THank you for your time Captain." He moved t leave.

Mitsu stood and offered a stiff nod of her head as Tanaka stepped towards the door. After the doors slid closed behind him, she sighed and glanced down at her desk, feeling a mixture of rising anger and frustration building up inside of her. She finally reached out and put her desktop monitor into sleep mode before setting her coffee mug back into the replicator as she stepped towards the door herself.


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