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One Way to Relax

Posted on Sat Feb 3rd, 2024 @ 3:06pm by Captain Mitsu Sato & Commander Jon Kia

986 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Beginnings

Mitsu had felt her temper build up over the past two or three days, and while she had done her best to hold it in she knew that it was only a matter of time before something would pick its way past her barrier of self control and she would snap. It was one of her fatal flaws that she had worked hard over her adult life to control, which was why she knew that she needed some time in the gym. Fortunately, the Eclipse had one that was fully furnished with everything a crew in deep space might need to blow off some steam.

It was late, nearly 2200 hours, but Mitsu still haunted the otherwise empty gym. Dressed in her Starfleet issued PT t-shirt and shorts, she had taken her fury out on the several of the exercise equipment machines with no avail. As she often did, she had ended up turning her energy towards the punching bag and was finally starting to feel her anger seep out as she delivered blow after blow.

Jon yawned as he entered the gym. A long busy day finished with a quick hard exercise routine was guaranteed to tire his busy mind to the point that sleep might actually be possible for him. Hearing someone attacking the punching bag, he glanced over and recognized the new captain. With his curiosity stirred, he walked over. "Evening, captain," he said.

Mitsu paused in her routine long enough to recognize Commander Kia and offer him a very brief nod before she turned her full attention back towards the punching bag. Launching a three punch attack, she spoke between strikes. "What can I do for you, Commander?" she panted.

Jon shrugged. "I actually came down here for a quick workout before calling it a day, but now I'm wondering what I've stumbled across in my wandering."

"That's an interesting choice of wording, Commander," Mitsu panted as she hit the punching bag harder than she intended and winced at the shot of pain. She knew that nothing was broken, mostly from bitter experience, but it still hurt. Another two punches and the pain was a dull memory. Unfortunately, the gnawing anger that had driven her here wasn't, at least not yet.

"Well, it's not every day that I walk into the ship's gym at some late hour and find the captain assaulting a punching bag like it's a Yautja hunter trying to turn her into a trophy for it's collection," Jon said.

"A what?" Mitsu landed a hard hit on the punching bag and paused, panting slightly for breath. She finally caught her breath long enough to step back and turned towards the operations officer. "What is a Yautja?" she asked, her curiosity peaked.

"They're a large bipedal species that hunts other intelligent species for sport, at least that's the best guess we could figure out" Jon answered. "We encountered a couple on a Federation colony world while I was aboard the Whitestar."

"I take it they declined a peaceful resolution to the situation?" Mitsu asked as she started unwrapping her hands.

"Actually, we ended up evacuating what was left of the colonists, which wasn't very many, while trying to fight them back," Jon shook his head. "We had a Klingon security officer who tried to fight one hand to hand. He lasted less than two or three minutes."

Mitsu felt her eyes widen in surprise at that. In her experience and knowledge, very few species could match a Klingon's prowess in battle, specially hand to hand combat. In fact, the known species that could match one she could count on one hand. "I see," she said as she nodded. "If we happen to come near their territory, I would like for you to inform me so we can avoid these . . . Yautja?"

"The problem is that we never did learn where they were from," Jon said with a shrug. "Captain Korin had the matter investigated, but naturally Starfleet didn't want us to poke too close into the matter. No sense in poking a bear too much when you have a nest of rattlesnakes to deal with," he quoted.

"I can see the logic in that, but I still don't understand why Starfleet didn't investigate more," Mitsu said with a frown. "But, still, it was Starfleet's decision to make. It seems your time on the Whitestar was rather interesting, Commander."

"Oh, you have no idea," Jon chuckled. "When you spend over five years beyond the borders of the Federation, you run into some weird sh... stuff."

Mitsu felt the corner of her mouth tug upwards in the tiniest hint of a grin at the commander's correction. She could also feel the tension of her anger easing back into something a little more manageable. "Commander, I believe you and I should have a drink sometime," she said. "I'd be interested in hearing more about what you encountered aboard the Whitestar."

"Well, I don't see where that would be a problem, if the captain would return the favor by helping the commander find a suitable sparring partner," Jon said.

"Oh?" Mitsu asked, raising her eyebrows. "I don't see a problem in that."

"As long as I can ask that you take it easier on me than you did the punching bag," Jon chuckled. "I can still see the dents you put in it."

"That's an exaggeration, but I give you my word that I'll try," Mitsu said. Glancing at the clock mounted on the wall, she sighed. "I need to take a shower and get some rest. Thank you for the talk, Commander Kia," she bowed her head slightly in thanks.

"No problem," Jon said as he headed towards the weights.

Mitsu grabbed her gym bag and thoughtfully stepped towards the door. Her anger had retreated, in fact she almost felt completely calm which surprised her. Stepping out of the gym, she started towards her quarters.


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